life at the Institute of Idle Curiosity for Elements of Seduction
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the back office of the Institute of Idle Curiosity for Elements of Seduction |
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The philosophical activism tour.
The Department of Critical Theory - meeting room.
Happening at the World Social Forum, Tunis, 27 March 2013.
Dolores de Sanctis & Rosaly Games.
The Mono Theatre - Brenda Lush.
project space.
A Journey into the Land of the 4th Dimension - film still.
from the project 'A Topology of Agency'.
The Happening Hotel - view from the garden.
from the project 'Twilight Hotel'.
A Journey into the Land of the 4th Dimension - film still.
from the project 'Inversions'.
Sprawl City.
The Mono Theatre - interior view.
Dwellings series - Greenhouse.
meeting room.